目前分類:School Resources 學校資源 (8)

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問題何謂H1-B 工作簽證?

解答H1-B 工作簽證是一種非移民的居留資格,這項簽證是提供給一些非美國籍的專業人才可以合法在美國居留工作三年, 並且可以申請延展三年。


問題:H1-B身分與 H1-B工作簽證有何不同?

解答: H1-B 工作身分是由美國移民局簽發的一種非移民居留資格,H1-B工作簽證是由美國大使館或者駐外領事館簽發的一種非移民工作簽證。有效的居留資格將允許您合法地在美國境內工作;而簽證則是讓您可以合法的入境美國。 當您以H1-B工作簽證入境美國,您就成為H1-B身分持有人。

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The following information is provided by Cultural Division of TECONY.

Question: does a student's employment for practical training need to be directly related to the student's major?

Yes; "214.2(f)(10)(ii)(A) (ii) Optional practical training: (A) General. A student may apply to the Service for authorization for temporary employment for optional practical training directly related to the student’s major area of study." (See the first sentence from the third full paragraph, USCIS's official Website: http://www.ice.gov/sevis/students/opt.htm).

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來到Lehigh報到之第一站, 需至OISS填妥個人基本資料

而每次返回台灣前, 也需至此請OISS於I20上面簽名

此外, 任何疑問與困難, 皆可洽詢OISS請求協助.

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Locker application

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English as Second Language (ESL)

提供英語課程, 有學分班, StepUp, 以及one on one tutoring

Office Location: Coxe Hall

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Writing Center

Office Location: SAYRE hall

Office Phone No.: 610-758-3098

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使用Student ID

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Career Service Office
(Internships, Full-Time jobs)

Office Location: Rauch Business Center 4Fl

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